BCRC Awards Application Guide

The information provided below will assist you in understanding the criteria for the application, the judging process, and the rules.

We encourage applicants to carefully review the rules to ensure they are eligible to apply and that their submission is complete and meets the necessary requirements.


Application Rules:

It’s important to emphasize that the awards process has specific rules in place, and it’s imperative to follow them. Failure to do so, may result in the disqualification the application. The below provide a generic criterion that application shall meet:


  1. All applications should be submitted in English. We accept using online translation tools to help with the process.
  2. Applicants must provide evidence in each chosen category criterion.
  3. Evidence will only be accepted within 36 months of the application end date unless otherwise stated.
  4. Each criterion has a maximum word count limit that must be adhered to. Any words beyond this limit will be omitted and considered null.
  5. To ensure that all testimonials are fair and of equal length, there is a maximum limit of 200 words per testimonial. Any words beyond this limit will not be taken into consideration.
  6. To ensure fairness in the judging process, the criteria used for evaluation will be based solely on the quality of the evidence submitted. Any additional documents beyond the requested evidence will not be taken into consideration.
  7. Hyperlinks to evidence are not permitted. Please include all evidence directly within the application.
  8. Applications received after the advertised deadline will not be considered.
  9. To maintain fairness and impartiality during the awards assessment period, applicants and organizations are not permitted to contact the awards judges.

Scoring Criteria:


To evaluate applicants’ evidence-based submissions, the judges will use three performance descriptors as outlined below:



Score range


High-quality evidence:

Score between 4-5

Applicant’s evidence is timebound, addresses the criterion and is thoroughly explained.

Moderate quality evidence:

Score between 2-3

Applicant’s evidence is timebound, partly addresses the criterion and is somewhat explained.

Low-quality evidence:

Score between 0-1

Applicant’s evidence is not dated, does not address the criterion, or is poorly explained.


Moderation and Decision:


To ensure a transparent and equitable application process and select the most deserving award recipients, a committee consisting of the Head Judge and experts in several industries will concern and discuss, review, and examine the application, evidence, and score and deliberate the application based on the above score criteria.

The Head Judge will call for Moderation meetings if a consensus cannot be reached. These meetings are essential for promoting consistency, impartiality, and inclusivity in judging. In case no consensus has yet been reached, the head judge will make the final decision.


For more information on how to apply, please contact awards@bcrc.qa