National Excellence Awards 2023

This year, the conference will present six awards to outstanding institutions, Organizations, and individuals in the field of business continuity and resiliency to stimulate institutional and individual excellence with a transparent criterion and a clear mechanism for selection the best applicants for the award. The Awards are:

Frequently Asked

Please refer to Awards Application Guidelines (BCRC)
Please submit the form and supporting documents through our official submission portal only.

There is no fee to submit a nomination.

Finalists will be notified of their selection by 22 November 2023

All the awardees must be present to receive the awards in person at award ceremony to be held on 27 November 2023 at Doha.

Winners will be selected by High Level Award Selection Committee through the rigorous section process and full filling the judging criteria.  The detail selection procedures are provided in Awards Application Guidelines (BCRC)

Please refer to Awards Application Guidelines (BCRC)

Please refer to Awards Application Guidelines for the judging criteria (BCRC)

Nomination for individual category award can be nominated by self/ colleague / organization (in all cases No Objection Certificate from your current organization is required)

Please refer to the official Awards of Excellence website or contact for further information.