Most Effective Recovery
2023 Award

If your organization, or your client’s organization, has suffered significantly from the impact of an incident or crisis and have successfully recovered, demonstrating resilience. , then the Judges would be pleased to receive an application in this category. The judges will be looking at the effectiveness of the recovery based on the quality of the planning and response, and the enhanced resilience level achieved as a result.

Evidence should be provided on how effective the organization’s business continuity arrangements helped it survive the disruption, what lessons were learnt during the process and how those lessons will be used to continuously improve and enhance ongoing resilience within the organization.

Judges will be looking for:

  1. The scale and impact of the incident.
  2. Demonstration of resilience ‘bounce back’ from the impact of an incident or crisis.
  3. Evidence of the effective recovery based on outcome.
  4. Quality of planning and response that led to the effective recovery.
  5. How effective were the organization(s) business continuity arrangements
  6. Lessons learnt for the continual improvement and enhanced resilience.
  7. The incident must have occurred within the last 12 months from the date of the application.